Monday, September 15, 2008

Staying Alive

This is a super crazy time of year for an educator. We are trying to get all those ideas from last spring into workable plans for this school year. My mind is a wild monkey right now, feeling a little like the spinning icon on a website, waiting for something to load. Here are a few things I have learned our learned about in the last two weeks that I want to explore more thoroughly but also want to share:

1. A great website for planning, organizing using project-based learning. A great adjunct to the Research Project Calculator when working with students or collaborating with teacher/media specialists.

2. Minneapolis now has their own wiki/blog site that we will bee rolling out this year. This plus our podcasting server will make this a banner year. Media people will learn more August 26th so everyone, keep your ears open!

3. TeacherTube and SchoolTube are going to be great resources for educators. is a great place for kids to share their videos, pictures, projects. a great resource for teachers. Still waiting for the details of the Roosevelt team is going to be allowed access to YouTube for their new Digital course. Keep us informed, ok?

4. A great print resource for keeping up with web 2.0 and ideas for applications: Information SearcherYou can subscribe to the paper copy which is great, but also download her rss into your google reader. That was so easy!!

Latte’s finished..time to get back to those math textbook files. I do like my Dunn Bros. office!

Diane at Dunn Bros.