Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blogging in Bed

I have it age, springing ahead to daylight savings time, or the full moon...that I am not sleeping as well as I want. When I wake up at 2 a.m. with all things on my mind, I find that I "blog in bed," i.e. I think of all the things that I am using...Web 2.0 wise....that I should be blogging about but find that I just can't log onto the computer "one more time." So, I "blog in bed" or "in my head." I am using Delicious more and more to help organize my life and those of my media professionals.
Here's the podcast I did at MILI on March 18 about delicious.
I am relying on webinars and other online learning to keep me in touch with web 2.0 media. I am using Google docs to keep my techs uptodate on new equipment that is going out to schools that I need to track. I am keeping up with my Facebook account to track what is happening in the lives of my high school and college friends. Not a small task when one is coming up on their 45th high school graduation anniversary. Now that is scary! Flickr and Twitter are on my radar although I think my tweets on Twitter will remain minimal. Sometimes I think we are just too "linkedin" I continue to counsel my husband who just lost his job to maintain a web presence with a Facebook account as well as a webpage.
I will be attending a conference at Macalaster this week on technology in libraries so should have more to blog about next week.

The next thing I am working on is really getting all our media specialists to think about the next generation of libraries. I am excited about all the information on the AASL website about Learning for Life or L4L. Until next time....